Jake Helbig
Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your interest in my skills and abilities! Regrettably, I have disabled this online portfolio.
Due to the economic impacts that Covid-19 has wrought upon the world, I have decided to remove all content on this website until the foreseeable future.
It is truly a tragedy that people in the world must use desperate measures, like identity theft, to make ends meet.
Most the time when something so personal, such as your identity, is used against you it can feel like a personal attack and it can wound you deeply. In these trying times, please keep in mind that these people do not wish to bring you any great physical or psychological harm. These people are merely trying to do the best they can to provide food, shelter, and some form of support to their spouses, children, or other family.
In the future I hope that everyone can work together to shine their light into the corners of darkness in the world and bring prosperity to us all.
The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy. The true neighbor will risk his position, his prestige, and even his life for the welfare of others.
Martin Luther King, Jr
Strength to Love (1963)